Analytical and Preparative and Storage Services

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) analytical services

Radiochemical purity assessment: $445

    Service Includes:

Radiochemical purity and identity assessment: $890

    Service Includes:

Radiochemical purity, chemical purity and identity assessment: $2,225

    Service Includes:
Note: Analytical HPLC column must be provided by customer at any time when Moravek Biochemicals does not possess the required functioning HPLC column.

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) purification service

HPLC purification services fee structure per single compound (including multiple injections)

Single injection HPLC purification......................$1,515

Each subsequent injection #2-5...........................$530
Note: Preparative HPLC column must be provided by customer at any time during the purification when Moravek Biochemicals does not possess the required functioning HPLC column.

Mass spectrometry (MS) analytical service

Single labeled compound mass spectrometry including printed results: $1,030

Liquid chromatography / mass spectrometry (LC/MS) analytical service

Single labeled compound liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry including LC and MS printed results: $1,635.
Note: Analytical HPLC column must be provided by customer at any time during the LC/MS when Moravek Biochemicals does not possess the required functioning HPLC column.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) analytical service

Labeled compound basic one dimensional nuclear magnetic spectroscopy including printed results: $1,080.

Secure storage at room temperature, +4 °C, -20 °C, or -80 °C

Secure storage under research grade conditions at room temperature, +4 °C, -20 °C, or -80 °C: $75 per vial per month

Secure storage under GLP grade conditions at room temperature, +4 °C, -20 °C, or -80 °C: $120 per vial per month

Secure storage under GMP grade conditions at room temperature, +4 °C, -20 °C, or -80 °C: $220 per vial per month

Additional analytical services available include:

Pricing pertains to products manufactured by Moravek Biochemicals. Please inquire to obtain pricing for products produced by other manufacturers.

Email: Phone: 1-800-447-0100 FAX: 1-714-990-1824