Technical Evaluation and Quotation Form

An experienced radiochemist can review your project and recommend a sound and cost effective labeling method that meets your yield, specific activity, and radiochemical purity requirements. Fill out the Quotation Request Form and press the Submit Request button or print the form and mail or Fax it to us.
Mailing address:
Technical Services
Moravek Biochemicals
577 Mercury Lane
Brea, Ca 92681
Fax Number

Please let us know how to get in touch with you.

* = Required Field

First Name: *
Last Name: *
Zip Code:
eMail: *

Please enter the compound information for which you are requesting a quotation.

Compound Name:
Isotope: 3H - Tritium 14C - Carbon 14 35S - Sulfur 35
2H - Deuterium 13C - Carbon 13 non-Labeled
Position of Label:
Alternate Position of Label:
Method of Synthesis:
Literature References:
Suitable Precursor:
Precursor Source:
Analytical Method:
Stability Data:
Quantity Needed: mCi Ci mgram gram(s)
Minimum Purity Required: %
minimumSpecificActivity: mCi/mmol Ci/mmol Non-Radioactive
Optimal Specific Activity: mCi/mmol Ci/mmol Non-Radioactive
Packaging Solvent: